which assessment is right for you?

Hogan Certified COACH

We all hope that we have a measure of self-awareness.  That we understand how others view us or, and hopefully that’s aligned with, how we want to be viewed.

What I know is that after working with hundreds of clients, everyone wants insight into how they are doing.  What is going well and what can they be doing better?


And that is where assessments come in and can be so empowering.  Depending on your commitment level and how much you want to involve outside perspectives, I have a few different choices for you below.

The Hogan Assessment Inventories

“Only Hogan examines personality from every angle. By measuring the bright side, dark side, and inside of personality, we’re able to achieve the highest level of predictive validity in the industry.” 

This is a personality test that is discoverable by answering questions of how you may go about different situations. As you do, it is able to predict how you are viewed within the workplace.  It is a tool that may be used by HR to reliably predict if someone would do well in a certain position and also as a developmental tool as to how someone is performing in a role. 

It’s comprised of three sections: (see graph below for a visual)

  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) - measure of normal personality and includes a measure of your Adjustment, Ambition, Sociability, interpersonal Sensitivity, Prudence, Inquisitive and Learning Approach. 

  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS) - designed to measure potential career-derailing tendencies that are behavioral patterns that may impede relationships, hinder productivity, or limit overall career potential.  

  • Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) - a measure to overstand the motivational factors that are important for work and life satisfaction.

Per the Hogan FAQ page: The HPI and HDS are normed on samples of over 100,000 working adults. The MVPI is normed on a sample of over 65,000 working adults.

Once we have the results and I have reviewed the results with you, we then work together to help minimize the derailers that may show up in moments of stress and lean on the strengths of other areas in order to advance in your career - or show up in a way that is in line with how you want to be viewed.  

That’s the official Hogan language. Now here’s the language how I use it and what you can expect.

I am certified in the Hogan Assessment. As are many others - but how I approach delivering this assessment is in a very systematic and wholistic way. I’m looking at diving into patterns that tell me a story.

By looking at the assessment for a wholistic place vs. just individual behaviors we are able to jumpstart our coaching so quickly because there is no place to hide. I can see from the get go - what you are hiding and how it’s holding you back, in order to focus on your strengths.

I’ve sat on enough Hogan calls where the facilitator goes line item by line item - helping you to understand each “area” almost the same as opening up a dictionary.

I’m not doing that. I’m taking each piece of the story and weaving them together with other pieces in order to tell the whole story.

A story of how you are perceived.

So that you can start doing the work of actually changing those perceptions - first by awareness of the patterns that you put out into the world and then by starting to slowly put the brakes on the behaviors that aren’t helping you. And for really sticky emotions, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to target the issues on a subconscious basis that are holding you back.

With these two techniques together, along with traditional Leadership Coaching with me - a PCC certified coach with the ICF, to then make resonate decisions that sit with your values - not just what your head or you “think” you should do because that’s how it’s always been done, in order to make drastic changes not only as a leader but in your life in order to take on the two areas that will make the greatest difference in your effectiveness as a leader: self-accountability and self-awareness.

To read their blog and more information: Hogan Blog

The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) 360

A human centered approach to leadership development.  This assessment relies on your boss, superiors, peers, direct reports and self reporting to understand your strengths and developmental goals. 

A 360 approach allows for real comparative feedback as to how you believe you are doing, others perception of you and a median score for the industry you are in (based on decades of research and comparative analysis).

With the facilitation of this assessment we have real time feedback in order to enact chosen, and lasting, behavioral change. 

Offered for individuals and or organizations.  100% confidential results that is delivered 1:1, along with a plan to enact change and the option to include others on your developmental goals, if you so choose.  

To read more about this assessment: CCL 360

Human Design Report

This report is based on your birth place, date and time of birth.  It shows a cosmic understanding of how you move through life and helps you to understand where your intuition lives and how you move through the world.  

This is an esoteric assessment as opposed to relational or personality feedback as to how you are perceived.

Some of the things that we discuss in the Human Design Report is how to trust your intuition, using your voice, how opportunities come to you, how to use will power or what you may think is a lack of will power and stop calling yourself lazy and how you are mind works and whether or not you are someone who is more defined in their thinking and their process, or someone who is more open minded and able to see lots of perspectives. 

I find we often compare ourselves to what we expect to be a perfect way to move through the world.  There is no perfect.  I find this assessment allows people to start leaning into the way they are meant to move through the world, in their own individual and unique way and stop comparing themselves to others.

For more information: Human Design

All assessments can be used as a one-off report and single session with me guiding you through the facilitation. In a perfect world, it is best used in tandem with one-to-one coaching so that we may make lasting behavioral and self-awareness changes.