Human Design for business
Unlock Your Unique Leadership Blueprint with Human Design
A tool for self-discovery, personal and professional growth.
Fill out the below chart to download your specific Human Design Chart.
Ready to dive into your specific chart and how to apply the different areas to actually work FOR you?
Here you can purchase your own personalized report for that will help you gain clarity about the way “you are” and also, give you the keys to help you unlock what is holding you back from your authenticity. This report is a mixture of information and specific journal prompts for you to start to unravel from the way you’ve always done things, to the way you want to do things.
Personalized for you, please allow up for 10 days for receipt. Cost is $69.
Includes descriptions and journaling prompts for: Type, Authority, Strategy, Profile and Incarnation Cross (Life’s Work, Main Challenge, Vitality and Purpose)
This is the chance for you to ask yourself the questions of what do you want more of AND what you are ready to release.
Why Human Design?
A Pragmatic Advantage
Human Design is not just another assessment; it’s a blueprint of how you are wired to make decisions, lead, and thrive. It combines modern science (genetics, quantum physics, and neuroscience) with ancient wisdom (astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Chakra system) to create an individualized operating system that helps you:
Optimize Decision-Making – Understand how to make clear, aligned choices that reduce stress and decision fatigue.
Enhance Leadership Effectiveness – Gain insight into how you naturally influence and guide others.
Improve Communication – Recognize how you are designed to interact with teams, stakeholders, and clients.
Prevent Burnout – Align your work with your natural energy flow instead of forcing yourself into unsustainable patterns.
Build Stronger Relationships – Learn how your energetic blueprint interacts with others for more harmonious collaborations.
How Human Design Differentiates from Other Assessments:
Unlike traditional personality assessments that categorize you into fixed types, Human Design is fluid and dynamic, offering a living strategy rather than a static label. It provides real-time application rather than just a self-awareness snapshot.
The most common response I get is that people feel seen and have a new understanding of the unique way that they are designed to be. Self-acceptance to lean into their strengths while deconditioning themselves from the way that the universe has told them is the right way to work, that has never felt right to you, but you accepted as how it should be.
Pull up you chart, download your personalized report, and/or make an appointment with me to go deep on all things you.
“I had a very enlightening session on my Human Design profile with Jess McClure. As a Manifesting Generator, I realized that i have a unique power within me to create the circumstances that put me in flow. This confirmed my own observations about how i have achieved success in the past and how my own 'life trail' has unfolded over time. At times I have forgotten this and have sometimes been over-focused on 'the how'. I realized through Jess's facilitation that i need to simply allow things to unfold in its own time!"
Brian Lawrence, Life Trails Consulting
This is another way that has never been modeled for us. Human Design gives you a weird sense of permission and knowing, that the way you move through the world is how you are meant to move through the world. ?
When used in coaching, we are looking at de-conditioning the way you may have been taught by society, family, values and your own brain about how you should act, be, think, feel and instead allow for the what way wants to naturally flow through you.
It might look spiritual and woo-woo, but the most common response I get is that people feel seen and have a sense of being able to relax into the unique way that they are designed to be. Self-acceptance to lean into their strengths while deconditioning themselves from the way that the universe has told them is the right way to work, that has never felt right to you, but you accepted as they it should be, as another way has never been modeled for us.
Human Design gives you a weird sense of permission and knowing, that the way you move through the world is how you are meant to move through the world.
How do the different gates, channels and centers help you to interact in the world in a way that feels natural and ideal for you.
I’ve been offering this to my private clients for years as a way to help people understand how they work and think the way they do and it has made such an impact that I wish everyone knew their design!
This will not tell you where you will be in five years or what will happen with your relationship… but it will give you a foundation of support in helping you to understand the way you work, where your intuition lives, why you don’t have the WILL to power through or why others don’t (if you do) while giving you permission to start building a life of joy (or if you’re in the know a life of satisfaction, success, peace or surprise and delight :).
Immediately start to recognize and work with:
Where your intuition lives and how to best listen and work with it.
How much energy you have and how to best fill yourself back up.
Understanding where you are most triggered from fully stepping into your power.
Understand the way you may naturally react to the world.
Create new beliefs and start to decondition old belief patterns that are no longer serving you.
Love yourself for WHO you ARE and stand in your POWER
Since the beginning of time, we’ve been told of people following the North Star to find their “promised land”.
I want us to stop looking externally for what we need or what we have been told, and instead look inwardly for our unique Inner Star.
This is the deep part of you that glows when someone tells you something wonderful, or when you know something to be true. We’ve covered it up for so many years with barriers, blocks and fears. I want you to learn to let that part of you fully out and live authentically as you — in your personal and professional life.
Do you feel the call to transform your life or to finally understand WHY you are the way you ARE?
So much has changed for the better for me, and I really credit our work together in helping with so much of that. I’d love to catch up sometime with you and share the transformations that have happened over this last year. I really feel Human Design has been the absolute most effective system I’ve ever learned about in terms of understanding my life path. EFT has also been helpful.
Holly M. - Teacher
One to one
90 minutes to dive into all things you. Ask questions, take notes, understand the way you work and the way you may have been conditioned for many years…. maybe you have wondered WHY you are the way you are? This is away to quickly uncover subconscious beliefs and change them.
Are you ready to dive deeper into the individual gates and what their meanings have in store for you?
Download this .pdf planetary guide which details how each planet influences different areas of your life. This report does not contain specific information regarding your gates, it is merely to help guide you as you do your research and contemplation of your individual gates and how they may affect you.
“The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt.”
So now that you have the details — here is the story behind it:
I have been playing with a lot of different modalities over the past years and what I have seen lately in the “coaching world” is a bunch of workshops offering BREAKTHROUGHS!! and TRANSFORMATIONS!!! “Just pay $29 and you can take this self-study course and all of your problems will be FIXED!!” And when you do it - you realize that it’s usually the same type of journal prompts, some resonate with you, and some don’t, and after two weeks you stop doing it and say that you are a failure and it’s never going to work for you….
Sound familiar? Or was that just me that did that?! Over and over and over….
What I have learned from that, is that learning is not a one-sized capsule. I have worked with MANY (many, many, many….) healers, coaches, leaders, workshops, jobs, conversations, books, crystals, tarot readings, etc. etc.. ALL of those things combined have helped me heal. Have helped to show the way that is best for me. I honor each person who taught me something along the way, to help me get to where I am today.
AND I have discovered that playing with Astrology all those years and learning Human Design in 2015, started putting some pieces together for me and gave me some permission to explore who I am in a different way.
The best way that I have found to heal, is do the work that is personal to me, be held accountable for making changes, and talking through what feels right for me.
What I found that didn’t work for me, was creating lists of things I wanted to do, habit trackers, #bujo’s (look it up, it’s a beautiful thing if you have the discipline for it) and other things that I would always equate back to that running story in my head “If only I could apply myself I would be so much better” …. BUT, these things might work for you and the way you move in the world. It’s not a one-size-fits-all shop, this big beautiful universe that we live in.
Did you know only 1/8 of the population has actual WILL POWER (based on your Human Design [HD] chart)? 8% of this whole wide world have the WILL to change and stick to a habit from the sheer power of their brain (well, technically it’s not in their brain … but you don’t need to know that yet). The rest of us? We get to trial and error and think shitty of ourselves when just another thing fell through and blame ourselves that we aren’t disciplined…. I do NOT have will power AND I’m not meant to — my HD (human design) is meant to have lots of interests and allow me to dig deeply into them based on my energy, not my drive. It’s why I’m a good coach, because I balance perspectives so well and don’t get very fixated on one thing.
It’s also why I can be incredibly focused and have the drive to complete something I am passionate about, I will work tirelessly. But if not, eh, I can not summon the will power or drive to do the thing. Hence why knowing and listening to my intuition is so powerful and important to not burning myself out or focusing on the wrong things.
Please don’t get me wrong, sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do. But if you are consistently in that space — say a job that you hate 90% of the work that you are required to do daily, then it might be time to rethink what you are doing. But I think I don’t have to be telling you that…
Because of this, it’s also important for me to create habits and systems and stick with them. Because that too doesn’t come naturally to me, so I could have a tendency to continuously jump to the next shiny object if I didn’t firmly believe in what I’m doing and want to be successful.
Knowledge isn’t power until it’s applied.
— Dale Carnegie
I also believe there might even be some help in understanding the increase in immune deficiency disorders, cancers, weird sicknesses or at the very least feeling of burnout or on the edge of it, via your HD chart. Most of us are not MADE to hustle and work non-stop — specially at work that doesn’t have meaning for us. We burn out. I think that’s why so many people find me in their late 30’s-50’s. They’ve done the whole “work thing” and feel lost and that time has passed them by and all they have to show for it is sickness…. it’s time to look at how you are MEANT to work and trust in the flow. The Hustle and The Flow. (Please do not mistake this to mean that I can reverse your sickness, just that I may help you understand how it grew).
All HUSTLE and no FLOW, is no good for ANYONE.
— Jessica Burnett McClure, Manifesting Generator
Some people should hustle and work hard, but then they should rest and recoup their creativity, listen to their intuition and recharge before the next cycle begins again. For some of us that should be at least once a month, others — once a day…. your HD will tell you when is best for you and ALSO how to start, or deepen, the listening to your intuition.
I believe Human Design is a faster way to get to the heart of the matter and understand how to start breaking down those walls and barriers you have spent a life time erecting. Those walls that block your power, your essence, your you. Your INNER STAR from shining. It’s using your design via your Human Design chart to find some peace in your life and in the NOW. This is to get you jump started to knowing you can do it.
This isn’t about FIXING you - this is about letting the real you SHINE.
This is actually the perfect time to look inward — the cracks are starting to show and people are feeling them. Where they used to be able to plaster the cracks closed with drinks, social, work, moving fast, faster and fastest… now we’re realizing where the chinks are and rather than filling them, we want to pull them apart and explore them - or is that just me?
My north star is Aquarius and my mission is to change how humanity feels about themselves. I am starting one person at a time.
What IS Human Design?
Human Design is used as a tool for self-awareness. The system was mystically channeled in 1989 by Ra Uru Hu in 8 days - and is tied to the history of the I’Ching, the Kabbalah, Astrology, Vedic Philosophy and the 64 Genetic Codons in our DNA.
Not quite yet, more information please…..
FAQS and disclaimers:
F) I am a Professional Certified Coach with IFC (International Federation of Coaches), I am certified to mentor other coaches and have coached close to 2000 individual hours with 100’s of people and worked in the corporate world as a leader for over 15 years. I also have an EFT & TFT Tapping Certification. I have been a consistent self-taught student of Human Design since 2015.
A) I am a person who likes the “woo” and also “science” and the data. I need to know how something works in order to believe it or at least have it make sense. I sometimes get clients who aren’t fans of astrology and think this is all a bunch of “BS”, but honestly, I usually win them over once we go through a couple of things and it all starts to make sense.
Q) This is not therapy and should not be used in lieu of therapy — though it does marry beautifully well in conjunction with therapy. This is not an alternative to any medical treatments.
S) You can book right here thru this link if you just want a Human Design discussion without the additional coaching.
Still need to talk it through? Send me an email and I’d be happy to answer any questions.