executive COACHING
Choosing an Executive Coach in order to have a thought-partner to help you step into your authentic leadership.
I work with high-achieving, successful leaders who often want to feel more confident in the role they are in and the decisions that they have to make. The higher you move up the ladder, the harder it is to share your doubts, your insecurities and gain clarity on the outcome of your choices.
I am a thought-partner to you as we explore what is the best course of action for you to enact to create the outcome that you want.
I partner with you to help you see your strengths and your blind-spots.
By focusing on your leadership development and not just the tasks at hand, you lead yourself and others to make value driven impact in your organization.
We create and focus on the goals and outcomes that you want to achieve and the actions and accountability to achieve them.
What is the Leadership Coaching Process:
The coaching strategy is very personalized to you and each session is a deep-dive into what you want to explore, while we hold the goals and your desired outcome.
DEFINE Areas of Growth and Goals.
Self-confidence, ROI/sales, executive presence, speaking, leading strong teams, managing others and/or up, conflict resolution, goal setting, strategy and implementation, cross-collaboration.
Holistic understanding of your health, wealth, love and free-time to ensure you also living a well-rounded life that is your choice.
CLARITY on existing behaviors and where you are now versus what you want to achieve.
Included access to your personal dashboard, worksheets, recap of sessions, all in one space.
We design together what you are looking for in the coaching journey and how you learn best. ie. tools, books, self-reflection, etc.
Visioning of what your long term goal is and what kind of a leader you envision yourself to be.
HOLISTIC Aligning the mental and the emotional.
Boundaries, tools to relieve stress, anxiety, overwhelm.
You are more than your mind and the thoughts running in your head, we explore what will be most impactful for your leadership.
How you use your values to understand what drives you and also where you may be over-indexing.
Understanding how your values are shaping your decisions.
SYSTEMS Oriented
Define & clarify organizational values to ensure that you are aligned with the system that you are in, as well as your own individual goals.
ACTION Between Sessions
This is where the REAL work happens as you go out and experiment with new habits and behaviors, noticing the impact and outcome.
Being held to creating new behaviors, having the conversations, taking new action.
Only with new actions can change happen.
Exploration as to what may be holding you back in creating new action.
Having the tools, the experience, the confidence, the built in new behaviors to continue creating lasting change on your own, when the coaching ends.
Authenticity -
resilience -
Confidence -
Strategy -
self-awareness -
Authenticity - resilience - Confidence - Strategy - self-awareness -
Leveraging an assessment tool to truly know your impact.
Hogan Assessment
The Hogan Assessment helps you to define your Strengths, Values and Career Derailers.
A personalized assessment tool that helps you understand how you are perceived at work and how you show up under stress. We can then use the assessment throughout the coaching to minimize derailing behaviors and focus on your specific strengths and values.
A self-generated report that does not require input from others.
CCL, The Center for Creative Leadership 360 Assessment
The Center for Creative Leadership Assessment is a personal assessment tool that utilizes a 360 questionnaire requiring input from boss’, peers, skip-levels and others.
This 360 will give you a realistic picture of your impact based on a detailed rating system in various leadership categories as well as anonymous written comments regarding your strengths and areas of development
Human Design Report For Business
An esoteric and pragmatic tool to help you understand your strengths, conditioning, intuition and fears.
Gain clarity on your Life’s work, main challenges and purpose.
Why Is Coaching Important Now?
The workforce is changing at a rapid pace.
It feels like we need to know MORE and at a faster pace.
There is no rule book. First time founders, AI, tech has changed the landscape of work as previous generations have known it.
Remote work has blurred the boundaries of time at work and also meaningful connections.
The anxiety is real.
Many people don’t have anyone to talk to.
At the executive level you don’t have anyone to share your struggles with.
You don’t have a manager that is focused on your leadership development.
You’re not sure what to focus on in your development.
Knowing the difference between accountability and responsibility.
Many of the Leaders who come to me are in transition.
First time C-Suite and/or Executives looking for a thought partner to insure they are on the right track
Moving into a Leadership Role
First time people managers who have always been stellar individual contributors, but are unsure on how to make the switch.
People Managers whose team is not performing and/or accountable as they need them to be.
Those who are looking for support with a goal for their next promotion or transition.
Or those who have been placed on a PIP, or have gotten challenging feedback, and are ready to make some changes with support.
ENCOURAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY to get out of your comfort zone to what is possible.
To encourage (and in some cases own) your strengths and to find the gold in what you perceive to be your weakness.
Values, Confidence, Strategic Thinking, Managing a team, Managing Up, Power, Innovation, Communication, Politics, Organization, Time Management, Strengths, Weaknesses, Systems… When you think of each of these attributes, where are you currently at and where do you want to be?
A great question to ask yourself around coaching is: “What’s the impact that I am having and is THIS the impact that I WANT to have?” If the answer is no, you might need support.
What is a leader?
A leaders finds the individual strengths of each team member and coaches them to transform their challenges into strengths and to rise to the best of their abilities.
Know’s when to put on the mentor hat to “teach” and when to coach and allow someone to succeed, or fail, on their own.
Can Delegate, hold others accountable, and brings out the best in others.
Able to navigate conflict with confidence and curiosity.
Leads from a place of authenticity—knows their values and those of the company, and leads with them in every decision, interaction, and strategy they pursue.
Able to create a vision and a goal, along with the strategy and accountability to achieve them.
Maximizes the output of already high performers and cross-collaborates with peers from a place of strength and integrity.
Curiosity and confidence to discover what you might not know and to explore what else is possible for you.
Know’s and trust’s the unique power that is within you so that you can lead with clarity, authenticity and decisive execution.
Does not always need to be the Hero or the Steward and knows when to shift between the two.
What if you hate your job?
My stance is to explore all the options of how to play full out in your existing job - see what options can be there while looking for a new job or with one foot out the door. It’s amazing how perspectives often change of the person in the position or helps them gain clarity for their next role.