My take on it is: therapy is diving into your past to understand who you are and what shaped you. Mentoring is an expert telling you what to do next based on their experiences. COACHING IS THE SWEET SPOT IN THE MIDDLE, I believe that your past is important but in understanding HOW THE PAST IS SHAPING YOUR PRESENT and I believe that you are the best expert when it comes to your life, rather than me telling you what the best step is to take, WE FIGURE OUT TOGETHER THE NEXT BEST STEP THAT MAKES SENSE FOR YOU.
WHAT if i set up a call with you and we don’t click?
Just like out in the real world, some people you “get” and some people you don’t. It’s the same in coaching - but my hope for you is that you’ll: 1. Get a taste of what coaching is like and can do for you and 2. Will find someone you DO click with. I’m a big believer in shopping around for coaches, just as they say you’ll KNOW when you fall in love or see the house that you want to live in, you’ll know when the coach is right for you.
Why can’t I just do one call and be done?
You can. That’s what the complementary call is for. But if you want real, lasting transformation - you need AT LEAST three months and often times it’s more like 6 months and sometimes it’s longer. It’s really easy to think you’ll continue with the action once you get clarity after that first call - and some people do - but most often they fall into THE DIP…
what’s the dip?
It’s that period after the initial flush of excitement and clarity about what you want to do and you decide to take action and THIS TIME DO IT…. than comes the DIP - the fear becomes overwhelming, who are you to do this? what if it doesn’t work? what a waste of money! Time! Damnit I hate this!! That’s the DIP and often you need to sit in that stew for a bit to come back on the other side and see what’s possible. Not everyone goes through it. But many do.
What if a month or two in i don’t want to work with you anymore, can i just quit?
No. See the DIP.
You just will, and so will I and we’ll have a conversation about it. When I started therapy a few years ago, I remember asking her on our first day “how long will I need to come to you?” and she just laughed at me and said it doesn’t work like that… and sometimes when we peeled back the onion skin a little deeper I’d say “oh man, did this just add 6 more months of me being in therapy?” I also knew when I felt like I was “done” going to her. The same is true for coaching, you’ll realize you don’t need the accountability, the clarity is strong, as is your forward momentum. You are ready to be “done” or at least “done” with me, for this time period. That is what I want for you as well: to have the tools, the confidence the preparation, the drive and desire to move forward in your life without me. And then we will have a session around completing our work together, though we will always have a connection.
It’s completely up to you of what you want to believe, but most of my clients find some relief in what it says. Some mysterious sense of “a-ha” that’s why I’ve always felt like that AND gives you a place to change from a feeling of empowerment.
What are my certifications?
CPCC, PCC — I’m credited from the oldest coaching school in North America (equates to about 1-2 years of college) and have my PCC with the International Federation of Coaching (the body that regulates coaching internationally) and I had to coach over 500 hours to get that, which I’m well over… Plus I have 15 years of business experience and over 40+ years of life ;) - I’ve seen struggles.
I am not certified in any of the modalities of offering my Life Design Report other than years and years of self study. If it resonates with you and you want to dive deeper into any of the modalities, I’m happy to offer you a resource so that you may do that.
How much is it to work with you?
My individual one-on-one rates and my corporate rate varies and I am happy to discuss pricing with you dependant on your budget and schedule.
I’ve read your whole website and I’m drawn to you
Great. Schedule a call. Just take the action and do it. If not now, when?