How To Release Ancestral Trauma

Ancestral Trauma

Ancestral Trauma has been coming up a lot for me recently.  I guess it’s not been surprising, as this has been the year of integrating the shadow or diving into shadow work.  

Difference between shadow work and ancestral trauma

To differentiate: shadow work is the subconscious stories we have been telling ourselves based on experiences we witnessed or experienced and then how we try and protect and hide these stories from ourselves and others.  In the process of doing this we don’t get to fully integrate who we are and experience the good and the bad -- thus being authentically ourselves.  

If you’d like to dive more into this -- check out my Shadow workbook to start doing the work.

Ancestral trauma, is the trauma that has been passed down to us through the generations.  These are the stories that we fully believe or feel terrorized by, but not because we actually experienced it.

A great example would be my client, Heather (name changed to protect her privacy):  We were talking about ancestral trauma and examples of what could be holding her back, so I ran through an exercise with her.

HOW: Ask yourself these questions quickly* -- like a game of phone tag when you were little and capturing the first thought that comes into your mind; write it down and then move on to the next question.  When you are done, you will have some areas that you can work on releasing -- via either tapping or further reading below regarding releasing ancestral trauma.

* As with any of my exercises, if this brings up extreme trauma or fear, do not do this. Wait to do it in our 1:1 session or talk over this with your therapist if appropriate.

Take a couple of deep breaths and then focus on each chakra, starting at the base of your spine and asking each area a question:

Root (base of spine): Where do I not feel safe in my body or in my life?

Sacral (your soft belly under your belly button): where am I not allowing myself joy

Solar Plexus (near center of stomach): Where am I not living into my power

Heart (just under rib cage): where am I not able to give or receive love

Throat: where am I not able to speak my truth

Third Eye: where am I not able to access the wisdom of my intuition/higher self

Crown: Where am I not able to access the ideas of the universe

With Heather, when we got to her heart she said, I’ve got nothing to offer but debt, so obviously I’m not worthy of a man -- and then she said, “you know, I don’t have a -- oh what are they called -- a hope chest, or a dowry” and then we both laughed.  Because it’s 2020 and she’s worried she doesn’t have a dowry.  This is not hers, this fear was passed down to her from someone else and she has been holding this as her truth….

Or for me, what I understood was the only way I could be an entrepreneur on my own was if I was single or my husband died.  I know that this is a pattern in my ancestral line -- it was never spoken of, I wasn’t consciously raised around this belief, but it felt like the truth to me.

I also uncovered where my throat felt strangled for standing up for the truth.  I don’t know where this came from, but I have never been strangled….  

Or for many people it might be being terrified of men or women, but not having any trauma in your life that triggered that fear.  Or a deep need to keep the ancestral line going or staying the same -- without knowing why.

And the way that I clear this -- is by acknowledging the ancestor who came before me. 

Acknowledging the trauma that they suffered, the fear, the love, the promise, that they made that this would never happen again. 

They never wanted anyone else to experience what they went through so they passed that extreme fear down through their dna.

And here you are in 2020 -- wanting to experience all life has to offer, but feeling blocked from being able to do so.   It’s time to lovingly and compassionately release those fears that are not yours.

Here is an idea of how I guide myself through releasing ancestral trauma.  I suggest you read the following and then speak from your heart of what feels true for you, imagining or feeling the ancestor in front of you. 

I see/feel you in front of me and the emotional pain that you suffered.

I know how difficult this was for you and that you promised no one would ever have to go through this fear or pain again.

But that was your experience and not mine, and I release these fears back to you.  

[If I know or feel more at this stage, I will state it and feel all the emotions, empathy and compassion that I have for this person who went through these experiences until I feel complete]

I lovingly and compassionately return these fears back to you, because they are not mine and they are not for me to bear in this life. 

I want to experience all life has to offer and all the universe has to provide and I ask that only the guides, spirits, guardians, angels, ancestors who support me, are only those who hold what is the highest good for me.

I only allow support that is for the true, the good, the beautiful and that which is the highest good for me.

All others I respectfully ask that you depart and I release your fears from me.  They are yours, not mine.  

I like to then imagine a big vacuum opening up in the sky and sucking out any of the grains or gunk or streams or whatever you imagine from being lifted out of your chakras, your hidden corners your self…..  

Then imagine a golden ball of light above your head, and ask for your highest self to link a cord and wrap it around your heart.  Then imagine a cord running down from your feet to the center of the earth where you find a cave, with a beautiful huge crystal and surrounded by thousands of other glittering crystals that the world has to offer -- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, clear, black, rainbow, solid and clear.  And bring this energy back up through your feet and fill yourself with this energy from below and above.  Refilling all the spots that were sucked out from you and only filling with positive energy that is for your highest good.  

Let your body vibrate in this energy and if you have a statement that feels true for you, state it now.