Preferential Sign Quiz
If change is the only constant in life — wouldn’t it make that life a little easier, to know what you are currently navigating?
The below Preferential Signs Quiz was created by Angeles Arrien based on her extensive research and study and can be found from the book “Signs of Life: The Five Universal Shapes and How to Use Them”. Arrien found in the research of symbols and their archetypes, that these 5 symbols are the constant throughout history and when placed in your preferential order, could correctly (in 90% of the case study) guide clarity towards what is the main area of change and focus in an individuals life. Then, by using the standard meaning of these symbols, they can help to assist you in your current cycle of change.
Take the Preferential Signs Quiz
keep reading to learn what it means for you
I learned this tool back in 2019 when I took a year-long, in-person, course called Spiritual Identity with the Sundust Oracle Institute based out of Seattle. My teacher was mentored by Angeles Arrien and the course used many of her teachings and methodologies. It was a transformative year for me as I learned so much about myself and others, as well as about ceremony, ritual and self-reflection.
The goal of which was to identify, and then listen, to your soul. I have moments and minutes of clarity, and whispers, and shouts, but I think this is something that will probably be ever evolving and unraveling during my lifetime.
What I do believe, is that we humans are meaning making machines. We want to understand the WHY; to pull back the cover on what makes us tick and to help us understand and accept ourselves the way that we are. That’s why astrology and human design are so popular. It helps us to understand how we have been conditioned by the world around us and instead invites us to be our unique and authentic selves.
As Angeles Arrien explored, our world is mainly comprised of these 5 shapes. You can find these shapes in nature, fairy tales, art work, cave wall drawings, mythology, folklore, religions, etc. Each shape represents a theme that has been used commonly throughout all of these mediums.
Take it for yourself and see what you find. To go much deeper into the symbology, history and story, order the book here.
Here are the steps to take the Preferential Signs Quiz:
(1) Draw out the five shapes on a piece of paper: circle, square, triangle, plus and spiral
(2) Redraw them in order of preference. Don’t think too much about it, just quickly draw which one you “like” the most, 1-5. 1 being the most preferred shape to you at this time, 5 being the least.
(3) Read below what the positions mean for you.
(4) Spend some time thinking (writing, drawing, exploring) if the below feels true for you and what you might want to do with this awareness.
the Positions:
1- Where you think you are - the process that currently has your attention and seems most comfortable at this time. Though this is the stage you are attracted to, this is NOT the most accurate indicator of where you ACTUALLY are. It’s where you think you are, or where you’d like to be.
2- Your strengths - An inherent strength in you now, whether you know it or not. It is felt by others. This is the shape/strength assisting your growth in position 3.
3- Stage of growth you are currently in - The most significant and your current growth process. This may be the one you are overlooking, but if focused on, will be where the most growth is available to you and where your gifts may be best utilized to manifest your best outcome.
4 - Your motivation - past challenges, tests and circumstances that have motivated your current process of change. This may be a shape that you feel you have resolved and moved on from, which is now allowing you to do the work of shape 3. This shape has helped set up a strong foundation for stage 3 to evolve.
5 - Old, unfinished business - A process you have outgrown or dislike, may still resist, or are judging. Unresolved issues you keep putting aside. You will come back to this and work on a later date, but is not for you to focus on at the present. It could represent parts of you that are in denial, are bored with, or disowned parts of yourself.
Your inner struggle and tension is represented by positions 1 and 5. The thing you think you want is represented by position 1, but the inner conflict, the thing that is keeping you from changing and or embracing position 3, is position 5. Position 3 is the middle ground to focus on, in order to release the tension between the two.
Shape Meaning and Position:
Circle: Wholeness and unity. Independence and individuality. Need plenty of space, to find yourself and develop your own identity.
In resistance = self-absorbed and narcissistic.
In position:
Desire to be independent and self-sufficient.
You are in your “hero’s journey”. Strengths are self-reliance and resourcefulness.
Individuation is occurring at the core of your nature.
Your past heroic journey has motivated you to become responsible and self-reliant. Your past challenge has caused you to move into your current work (position 3)
You may be resisting or denying the process of individuation.
Plus: Relationship and integration. The need for connection - to creativity, a group, another person, or to self. Integration and balanced connection. Quality, not quantity, in time shared with others.
In resistance = losing self in the process of connection out of fear of loss, abandonment or isolation.
Believe relationships are most important.
Shared journey is effortless for you, though you may not realize it. Your strength is your people skills, developing relationships and achieving balance.
Relationship process is occurring deep within your nature. When you allow yourself to fully participate in a relationship dynamic it then unlocks your originality and transformation.
A past shared journey inspired you to become more aware of the impact of partnerships and teamwork.
You may want to ignore or dismiss the importance of relationships in your life right now.
Spiral: Growth & Evolution. Coming to a new understanding or level, new perspectives on people, places and issues. Need lots of variety, change and stimulation. Tap into creativity and flexibility. Support change vs. hinder it.
In resistance = creating chaos, not finishing what you start, escapism.
Believe growth is the most important thing. Want tangible changes and implement new ways to approach things.
It’s easy for you to handle change. Your strength is in your flexibility and handling many things at once.
Profoundly engaged in the process of change. Trust the process, allow in change, variety and multiple perspectives.
You were challenged in the past to make significant changes. Meeting those challenges has allowed you to move into your current focus.
Not interested in growth and change at this time.
Triangle: Self-discovery and revelation. Dreams, visions and pursuing goals.
In resistance = Focused on the goal/vision vs. focusing on completing the present actions that will achieve the goal.
You believe that reaching and manifesting your goal is the most important thing.
You carry the gift of vision naturally. Visionary and capable of creating and attaining your goals.
The process of envisioning is central to your current development. Honor the goals and dreams that are important to you. Take time to make dreams and goals a reality.
The process of following your dreams in the past has motivated and allowed you to make significant changes in your life.
Resisting the process of dreaming and establishing goals. Not necessary in your current process now.
Square: Stability, solidity, security. Plan, build, implement a strong foundation. Consistency, accountability and completion.
In resistance = efforts will be wasted and nothing will be accomplished.
Value alignment, stability and authenticity right now.
Your inherent strengths are stability, responsibility, authenticity and to be fully committed when you give your word. Others see you as reliable and with integrity.
Process of stability is occurring at the core of your nature. Stabilize and implement your creative endeavors while expressing your authentic nature while you work to complete what is important to you now.
Your past accountability, stability and structure has allowed you to make substantial changes in your life, leading you to where you are now.
Denying the process of stability and responsibility. Not a primary focus nor are you interested in it.
What do you do with this knowledge?
Initially just sit with it and see what feels true, or not.
Then journal on each place and how you feel about you.
Angeles Arrien suggests creating a shape, a drawing that incorporates your shapes from postions 1, 3 and 5. See how that supports you or what that brings up in you.
The following image are my (current) shapes positioning. I know for me, with the square being in the last position, I am someone who thrives more in “the moment”, creating reliable structures and stability is difficult for me — so therefore, it feels solid to me to include the square around the triangle (my 3rd position), with the spiral (1st position) surrounding the two. I tried a few different drawings to find the one I liked best.
Creating a Mandala
Using shapes 1, 3, 5
As you draw ,and or journal out, the different shapes and meanings, eventually focus on the 3rd position. This is the shape that can bring harmony between the current tension of 1 and 5.
If a Circle — what are you uncovering about your need for individualization.
Cross — how are you dealing with issues regarding relationships, balance and intimacy
Square — are you ready to address accountability and insuring your actions are aligning with your words to create a new structure.
Triangle — create new goals, envision new possibilities, plan for the future. What are the specific actions you can then take to make your goal a reality.
Reach out to me if you need support in unpacking any new awareness or I’d love to hear what’s top of mind for you now.