Jessica McClure



Executive coaching




We work with Leaders to clear beliefs that may be holding them back in order to be their most authentic self. To be the Leader they want to be, not who they are told to be.

Only you know your path and I want to help you explore what you want, why you want it and how to get it.  

LEADERS = executives, “workers”, entrepreneurs, seekers and people who feel stuck and need some clarity. You are the LEADER in your life.

Quite honestly. You probably don’t know where the path is or even where it leads to. If you did, you probably aren’t dreaming big enough.

I help people get what they want, in a way that feels authentic and true to them. Even when they don’t know what it is they want. Yet.

Internal voice of leadership - how success frames leadership, how doubt frames leadership.  Creating soul driven leadership.

Who are you?

You want to be more authentic in your leadership. You have a desire to create change in your life and others, but not quite sure how to do that.

You are ready for your life to look and feel different.

You want to feel more confident in BEING YOU. In all your glory, all your strengths, weirdness’, sensitivities, gifts, foibles and those things you think you have to hide or conform to…. you want to share your voice, your story, you.

You have found success at work. Others have given you accolades as you have moved up the ladder, but something has always been missing.

You are in touch with who you are authentically and also feel like there is a gap in showing it to the world.

You feel like there is something more for you than the current status quo.

You need support in creating the thing you’ve wanted to create for a long time. But life, days, same ‘ol, just keep happening and time is passing by and you don’t want any more to pass.

You’re SOUL has been calling you to listen and you’ve been ignoring it. For now.


how transformation in coaching works:

First off, it’s unique for each and every person because YOU are unique.

There is no “one-size fits all” course in Leadership. Because YOU are different. Your strengths, your overused strengths and your perspectives.

So as a Leadership Coach I am a thinking partner to you — a safe place to discuss ideas, perspectives, where things are tough, and where they are easy.

I challenge you if you are thinking broadly or “out of the box” because you are human.

Because what got you here, isn’t necessarily going to get you there.

As humans we can get comfortable in the way we’ve always done things. If we didn’t think we were right, we wouldn’t do it. And hey, maybe you are right. And maybe you aren’t. I have no idea. And neither will you unless you are willing to try different things, get out of your box, explore your leadership.

I like to look at Executive Coaching as a science experiment. We are creating the hypothesis, running potential scenarios, deciding on which one has the most merit.

Then you get to go out into the world and actually do the science experiment.

Then notice, what worked and what didn’t.

Come back and iterate. Over and over again.

That’s how change, that’s how transformation, happens.


Exploring TRANSFORMATION together:

1. Understanding how your brain works best. Our brains are meant to mull over facts, data and information.

2. Our bodies and feelings are meant to help you make the best decision for you. Using your intuition AND your brain.

3. Gaining clarity on what you want to say NO to and what you want to say YES to.

4. Calming the brain and the “negative-chatter” to take inspired risks. To believe in your strengths and worthiness, more so than your perceived weaknesses or need to compensate.

3. Taking inspired action and collecting data to see what worked and what didn’t. Reiterate and try again.

4. Leveraging your internal strengths, wisdom and values to stretch you and what you are capable of.



womens leadership group COACHING

VIRTUAL. Monthly facilitated conversation centered around women leaders and our unique perspectives. Create community while receiving mentorship or providing your wisdom.

Executive COACHING

Locally in Las Vegas, virtually world-wide. Understanding your own personal authenticity and leadership in order to make soul-driven decisions.


WORKSHOPS - in person or virtually

A facilitated, customized workshop offering the tools, brainstorming, accountability, coaching and support in a group setting to create the success for all members.

Human Design for your Business

Would you like to understand yourself and how you move through the world, in a pragmatic way that just feels RIGHT?


Human Design is a concept that pulls from astrology, I-Ching and DNA neutrinos to help you better understand your place in the world. It can help you clarify your life’s work and what challenges there are for you to overcome in order to live your most radiant life and to fully embody your purpose here in the world.

It can help you understand how you think, communicate and use your intuition.

AND to better understand how others might be completely different from you, allowing alternative perspectives and clarity into others.

The most common response I get is that people feel seen and have a new understanding of the unique way that they are designed to be. Self-acceptance to lean into their strengths while deconditioning themselves from the way that the universe has told them is the right way to work, that has never felt right to you, but you accepted as how it should be.

This is another way has never been modeled for us.

Human Design gives you a weird sense of permission and knowing, that the way you move through the world is how you are meant to move through the world. ?

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